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The Winchcombe School

Improving As One

April 2018

Here's what we got up to in April!

Sports Relief Day

We raised money for the Sport Relief charity by taking part in lots of activities. We had fun with our teachers dancing, running, skipping and hula-hooping. We wore our sporty gear in to school so we were ready to get active for our fund raising morning.


The Meaning of Easter

Ignacio in Acorns brought in something special to show us just before Easter. It showed us the true meaning of Easter!  We also had a chance to see how Easter is celebrated in Spain, by watching a short video.  Thank you Ignacio!


Easter Bonnet Parade

Lots of fun and some beautiful bonnets!


Rhyme Challenge

During this term we read special stories and then learnt a song about each one.  We also learnt the Makaton signs and talked about the rhymes in them.  At the end of the term we put on a show for our families and got a certificate to take home.


Four Kingdoms Trip

We had a lovely trip to Four Kingdoms.  We went on a bug hunt, went for a walk in the countryside and got to hold so many little farm animals.  It was fun and we learnt a lot too.