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The Winchcombe School

Improving As One

School Meals

Dinners are provided in house from September 2019. They are cooked fresh every day on the premises in our purpose-built kitchen and served in our dining room. Our friendly and dedicated team of excellent cooks get to know the children really quickly and are always on hand to help.


Children can choose from three choices a day, at least one of which is always a vegetarian option. A picnic bag option is available for the first part of the Autumn term and then again in the summer term.

To keep things varied, the menu is on a three week rotation. Meals are well balanced, healthy and nutritious.  Please see below for menu options, collect a menu from the information stand at the school office or log in to the Schoolmoney app*.


Ordering made easy!

Parents can order and pay for children lunches using our Schoolmoney app, (provided we have the correct mobile number and email address for the person responsible for payment and ordering). Ordering closes midnight the day before lunch will be served, after which, children have the option to order a meal in class with the teacher.

Currently a lunch costs £2.60 per day for children in years 3 to 6.  All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are entitled to free meals which is a government initiative from September 2014.

Please contact the school office to advise them of any dietary requirements or allergies, so they can be added to your child's school record.